18.2 C
20 września, 2024, 19:34
Global Alliance Against Digital Hate and Extremism Demands Twitter Reinstate Trust and Safety Council

Global Alliance Against Digital Hate and Extremism Demands Twitter Reinstate Trust and Safety Council

“Aggressive propaganda in support of Putin’s deadly war on Ukraine is rampant on Twitter and we call upon the platform to stop enabling glorification of extreme violence, vilification of refugees and calls for genocide.” Rafal Pankowski, co-founder NEVER AGAIN Association.
https://globalextremism.org/post/global-alliance-against-digital-hate-and-extremism-demands-twitter-reinstate-trust-and-safety-council-among-other-steps-to-make-platform-safer/ ·

Global Alliance Against Digital Hate and Extremism Demands Twitter Reinstate Trust and Safety Council

Żródło materiału: Stowarzyszenie NIGDY WIĘCEJ

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