//Online meeting on job search in Poland//…

//Online meeting on job search in Poland//…

//Online meeting on job search in Poland//

How to start a job search process? Do you need to speak Polish? Where and how to look for a job? What is the current situation in the job market in Poland? What are the types of contracts?

We will look for answers to these questions during the information meeting.

We kindly ask you to register by filling in this form: https://forms.gle/LbRuD9kYzE4pnbdZ8

When: Monday, May 28th at 18.00 – 19.30
Where: online: the link to the meeting will be sent to registered participants
Led by: Aleksandra Ośko, coach, advisor, trainer

*The meeting will be conducted in English.

Żródło materiału: Polskie Forum Migracyjne

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